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Endnutzer von Möbelbeschlägen - Benutzerfreundliche Möbelbeschläge in einem modernen Interieur.

End customers

Hettich furniture fittings and accessories in the retail trade?

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That too!

No matter whether you make your own furniture. Or need replacement parts for a cabinet or are planning to buy furniture – Hettich make it all so easy for you. Here you will find our service offers for the Do-it-Yourself and End Customers.

Replacement parts

I am a consumer and looking for a replacement for a Hettich furniture fitting, where can I find help?

Do you remember where you bought your furniture? Then please always contact the furniture vendor directly first: this may be a warranty case or the vendor may provide a replacement as a gesture of goodwill. If this is not an option for you, please send 3 to 4 informative photos (mounting situation, overall view of the fitting, detailed views) and a brief description of the fitting to Hettich Customer Service, so that we can help you further. Email contact: info(at) 

Paul explains how

Replace Hettich runners in kitchen furniture

In this video, Paul explains how to replace a Hettich runner in a kitchen drawer. He also shows important tips and tricks. Paul explains how to do it on YouTube

Intelligent Kitchens

Your kitchen can do more!

Tired of long walking distances, chaos in cupboards and impractical cabinetry in your kitchen?

This is where Hettich can help you: our "Intelligent Kitchens" guide shows what good kitchen planning can look like and what you should bear in mind. This way, you can design your kitchen to give all function zones the practical convenience you've always wanted them to have. And you'll start wondering why you couldn't have been enjoying all this convenience in the kitchen much sooner. 

Explore Intelligent Kitchens


Outdoor lifestyle

The outdoor lifestyle stands for being free, close to nature and relaxation. Let us inspire you and design your own personal outdoor kitchen with our unique products. Our products not only give you perfect performance in outdoor furniture, they also work reliably in a wide range of outdoor electrical appliances. 

Hettich goes Outdoor: find out more

Reckon you've never come across products from Hettich before?

Hettich products: invisible – and indispensable

Far from it. You probably come into contact with them every day. It's just that you don't realise you do. Built into furniture of all kinds, Hettich products are usually invisible. But they are no less essential for that. Because whenever a cabinet door opens, a drawer is pulled out or furniture elements move in other ways, Hettich is usually behind the movement. Have we been able to thrill you? And are you impressed by our products? 

If we have, visit our customers and purchase furniture, kitchens, white goods with Hettich inside. 

To the dealer contacts

Möbel im Raum

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