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Availability of Hettich fittings from CAD partners: An overview

CAD partners

The availability of Hettich fittings from CAD partners is crucial for planners and architects who want to integrate high-quality furniture and architectural fittings into their digital designs. Through collaboration with numerous CAD partners, Hettich ensures that its extensive product range is always up-to-date and easily accessible, which significantly improves efficiency and precision in the planning phase.


After downloading the material manager from Cabinet Vision through the eSupport The following Hettich hardware data is available for Cabinet Vision users to use freely: Sensys & IntermatAvanTech YOUActro 5DQuadro V6 & Quadro V6+ All the variants for the respective programme are stored in the Schedule or the Assembly Manager. The data can be fully parameterised and used and planned with many accessories to save time.

Hinges Drawer Systems Runner Systems
AvanTech YOU
Actro 5D
Quadro V6
Quadro V6+
Quadro 25


The comprehensive Hettich catalogue is available on KON. Fittings can be automatically inserted into the furniture, including the respective processing. Updates are imported into the CAD+T software using the launcher.

Hinges Flap fittings Drawer systems Runner systems Handle collection
Sensys Lift Advanced AvanTech YOU Quadro ProDecor
Intermat Lift Junior ArciTech Actro 5D
InnoTech Atira


Provides automatic selection of connectors via Connection Scan. The complete database of Hettich connectors and connector sets can be downloaded here or is available from iFurn. DownloadiFurn

Hinges Flap fittings Drawer systems Runner systems Sliding door systems Folding door systems
Sensys Lift Advanced AvanTech YOU Quadro TopLine XL WingLine L
Intermat Lift Junior ArciTech Actro 5D TopLine L WingLine 220
InnoTech Atira TopLine M WingLine 230


Register in the Microvellum Knowledge Network community and benefit from exchanges between experts, the latest updates and information about Microvellum: To the Microvellum

Hinges Drawer systems Runner systems
Sensys AvanTech YOU Quadro
Intermat ArciTech Actro 5D
Veosys InnoTech KA
InnoTech Atira FR

CAD palette

Hettich fittings are available in the Holztechnik 4.0 catalogue and with the help of every CAD pallet user. The import of Hettich fittings data is also possible via the direct interface to CADENAS.

Hinges Drawer systems Runner systems Sliding door systems Handle collection
Sensys AvanTech YOU Quadro TopLine XL ProDecor
Intermat ArciTech Actro 5D
InnoTech Atira


The Hettich CAD data for the Pytha library can be downloaded directly from our website and is ready for immediate use. Download

Flap fittings Drawer systems Runner systems Sliding door systems Folding door systems
Lift Advanced AvanTech YOU Quadro TopLine XL WingLine L
Lift Junior ArciTech TopLine L WingLine 220
InnoTech Atira TopLine M WingLine 230

TopSolid Wood

The TopSolid'Wood Hettich Library 2022 provides customers with intelligent data from Hettich fittings. This library includes almost all hardware groups. Download via the TopSolid Store. TopSolid Store

Hinges Flap fittings Drawer systems Runner systems Handle collection
Sensys Lift Advanced AvanTech YOU Quadro ProDecor
Intermat Lift Junior ArciTech Actro 5D
InnoTech Atira

Vectorworks interiorcad

Hettich hardware data available via the library download manager in Vectorworks interiorcad.

Hinges Flap fittings Drawer systems Runner systems Sliding door systems
Sensys Lift Advanced AvanTech YOU Quadro TopLine XL
Intermat Lift Junior ArciTech Actro 5D TopLine L
InnoTech Atira TopLine M