locking system Stop Control
A locking system from Hettich gives furniture added security that makes all the difference. Whether at home, in the office or in the public domain - there are many different requirements for protection and security. Stop Control has been tried and proven in millions of applications. It provides central locking for furniture with several drawers. Fitted with the roll-out block, only one drawer can be opened at a time - providing greater stability in preventing mobile or free standing furniture from tipping forward.
Stop Control for desk pedestals
Sensys Stop Control for Systema Top 2000 and Systema Top 1000 Drawers, protect important documents and personal items safely and conveniently. The central locking system for all pull-outs in the carcase is break-proof up to 45 kg and also serves as a pull-out stop for increased tilt protection. The locking bar is simply surface-mounted. The Stop Control Plus version is additionally protected against being overridden by synchronised opening of two drawers.

Stop Control for enclosure wall systems
Protects in office cupboard walls Stop Control for Systema Top 2000 and OrgFrame effectively store important documents and personal items. The central locking system for all pull-outs in the carcase, break-proof up to 55 kg, also serves as a pull-out stop for increased tilt protection. The locking bar is mounted without grooves on the cabinet side. The Stop Control Plus version is additionally protected against being overridden by synchronised opening of two drawers.

Stop Control for system and wooden drawers
The system components for this Stop Control solution with grooved locking bar for AvanTech YOU, ArciTech and Wooden drawers are virtually invisible even when the drawer is open, as the activator is mounted under the drawer.are virtually invisible even when the drawer is open, as the activator is mounted under the drawer. The high-quality look is retained. Furniture with several drawers can be locked centrally. Only one drawer at a time can be opened with the pull-out stop - improved tilt protection.

Stop Control Plus for InnoTech/InnoTech Atira
Central locking and pull-out lock for increased protection against tilting - this duo provides peace of mind and security in everyday use. The special feature of this solution for InnoTech and InnoTech Atira: The pull-out piece is integrated into the right-hand cover cap of the drawer frame, making it particularly quick and easy to fit. The cabinet side must be grooved to accommodate the locking bar, which prevents two drawers from opening synchronously.