Turning swivelling fitting FurnSpin
Everything's in a spin – from the solar system to the world we live in. Turning is a part of us, it alters perspectives and creates change. It makes life an irrepressible joy and is an elementary part of technical progress. Our FurnSpin fitting innovation puts the most captivating of spins on furniture that anyone could wish for. The unique turning-swivelling fitting lets cabinet elements turn full circle about their very own axis. This way, inside is suddenly out, closed suddenly open and one piece of furniture suddenly two. The multiple award winning FurnSpin turning swivelling fitting from Hettich gives kitchen manufacturers creative scope to create precisely this: with new and truly innovative products. Not without reason has FurnSpin defined its own fittings category.
Multiple award winning Turning swivelling fitting
The multiple award winning FurnSpin turning swivelling fitting from Hettich gives kitchen manufacturers creative scope to create precisely this: with new and truly innovative products. Not without reason has FurnSpin defined its own fittings category.
FurnSpin won the "interzum Award 2023" in the "Best of the Best" category for its high level of innovation. Winner of the Red Dot Design Award 2024 in the "Innovative Products" category. FurnSpin brings elegant dynamic to high end interior design.
FurnSpin can bring rotation to everything
From ceiling-height furniture to small glass display elements – FurnSpin can bring rotation to everything. FurnSpin technology truly has the potential to change the world of furniture. The innovative FurnSpin fitting gets rid of old style formats and puts a creative new spin on furniture design. Open doors or flaps no longer get in the way – most of the cabinet body can now be moved with effortless ease. A stylish turn leaves furniture to reveal what's inside. Hiding everything from view again, a further spin returns furniture to its closed state. Remaining virtually hidden from view, the fitting comes with all the familiar user-friendly functions such as soft-closing or push-to-open, thus creating handleless furniture designs.