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Kantoor van de toekomst: digitalisering versnelt de verandering van werkomgevingen

New Work

Hoe zal het kantoor van de toekomst eruit zien en hoe onze werkplekken? In ieder geval veel mobieler, flexibeler en gericht op samenwerking. Een bijzonder accent ligt hierbij op de Work-Life-Balance – zowel voor het werken thuis als op kantoor.

LG styler

Anyone no longer needing to fear unpleasant odours after lunch from a jacket or blazer swears by this convenient styler in the office.

Discover it for yourself, now!


Simply wheel the mobile Caddy to wherever you want it in the office, fold open the desk top and off you go. This lets you work wherever you like or the project team happens to be sitting.

Discover it for yourself, now!

Caddy Plus X

In the "new work" environment", set workstations are increasingly being replaced by a pool of desks. People work at whichever desk happens to be available. Everything else is simply brought along in the Caddy.

Discover it for yourself, now!

Office lounger

A personal sense of well being while working on the move plays a central role in the "new work" megatrend and ensures outstanding work results. For many working from home, the sofa is definitely the most comfortable place to do it from.

Discover it for yourself, now!


Home working? Yes, but where? Many living spaces are not designed for working from. There simply isn't the space, particularly in urban living environments. Awkward makeshift solutions are counterproductive and make it hard to draw a line between home and work life.

Discover it for yourself, now!

Telephone booth

Whether for a quiet phone call, a confidential meeting or as a place to work at that calls for peace and quiet – this phone box is extremely versatile. It is equally as customisable in size as it is in terms of interior outfit.

Discover it for yourself, now!


Sitting/standing desks add a vertical dimension to the work posture. Switching to height adjustable workstations alone is a major step towards providing flexibility and accommodating individual preference in the way people work.

Discover it for yourself, now!


In future, personally assigned workstations will increasingly be replaced by spaces and desks that are used by different teams in line with who is there and when.

Discover it for yourself, now!

Hettich 3D-world

Ga op een driedimensionale ontdekkingstocht en bekijk het showroommeubel en de individuele oplossingen vanuit verschillende perspectieven.