Publication data
These websites are published by
Hettich Marketing- und Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Anton-Hettich-Straße 12-16
2278 Kirchlengern, Germany
Phone: +49 5223 / 77-0
Fax: +49 5223 / 77-1414
Registration Court
Amtsgericht Bad Oeynhausen HR A 4728
Tax identification number
DE 124328133
Responsible shareholder
Hettich Holding Verwaltungs GmbH, Domicile Kirchlengern, Registration Court Bad Oeynhausen HR B 7552, Managing director: Jana Schönfeld
Hettich Holding GmbH & Co. oHG is not liable for the content of those websites which can be accessed from this website via hyperlinks. For those websites, including websites of our affiliated companies, also different regulations could apply.
Terms of use and legal issues relating to the Hettich Group's Internet pages
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Hettich reserves all rights in respect of the contents (such as text, pictures, charts, data, graphical presentations, lists and the like) of its Internet pages. The protection existing in respect of these contents through copyright and other such laws applies particularly vis-à-vis databases and similar facilities. The contents are only freely available for calling down from the Internet for the purpose intended and may not be copied, passed on, re-used, transferred, stored, altered, disseminated or otherwise used without our prior written approval.
Our Internet pages may also have contents subject to the copyright of the parties providing the contents.
Brand names, company logos, product descriptions or pictures of products appearing on our Internet pages are protected on behalf of Hettich and may therefore not be used by others for their own purposes or in any other way.
The only Hettich logos that are released for use on your Internet page for advertising purposes are those shown on the page below:
All the contents of our Internet pages are carefully checked. We cannot, however, accept any liability for the correctness, completeness, current validity or suitability for certain uses. Hettich supplies any information or contents without any kind of guarantee, either express or implicit. Hettich herewith excludes any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly as a result of using our Internet pages, unless these result wilfully or through the gross negligence of Hettich itself.
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In so far as you gain access from our Internet pages via so-called links to third-party Internet pages, we advise that we have no influence on the design of these third-party pages and accordingly can accept no liability for their legality, correctness or completeness. The links only serve to make access to the information provided by third parties easier for our customers. We expressly point out that we in no way adopt for ourselves the information provided by third parties on their Internet pages. We therefore recommend that you carefully observe the terms of use as well as the notes concerning data protection and other legal issues relating to these third-party Internet pages.
Applicable Law; Jurisdiction
In visiting our Internet pages, you declare that you agree to the exclusive applicability of German law and renounce the UN's convention on the sale of goods (CISG) in respect of disputes of whatsoever kind between you and Hettich. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes is Bünde, Germany.
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