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Your kitchen can do more!

Tired of long walking distances, chaos in cupboards and impractical cabinetry in your kitchen? We have the answer: Intelligent Kitchens! A well organised kitchen means a lot more pleasure and a lot less stress: in everyday kitchen routine, you benefit from short distances and carefully considered work flows with ergonomic cabinetry and electrical appliances. Work is also so much easier when all items and food are neatly stored – and where they are actually needed. But what's the key to planning all this?This is where Hettich can help you: our "Intelligent Kitchens" guide shows what good kitchen planning can look like and what you should bear in mind. This way, you can design your kitchen to give all function zones the practical convenience you've always wanted them to have. And you'll start wondering why you couldn't have been enjoying all this convenience in the kitchen much sooner.


Cleaning agents and waste

Perfect storage for household helpers and waste bins.


Cookware and storage containers

Great storage for large items


Food preparation

Be relaxed preparing meals


Food storage

The perfect pantry

Cookware and storage containers

Great storage for large items

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Ideas for your next kitchen

This makes kitchens something to experience

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Intelligent Kitchens gets your kitchen into perfect shape.

Let us show you how to design and optimise various different kitchen layouts.

Single galley kitchen
Single galley kitchen
Double galley kitchen
Double galley kitchen
L shaped kitchen
L shaped kitchen
U shaped kitchen
U shaped kitchen
G shaped kitchen
G shaped kitchen
Island kitchen
Island kitchen

You probably come into contact with our products every day. It's just that you don't realise you do.

Reckon you've never come across products from Hettich before?

Built into furniture of all kinds, Hettich products are usually invisible. But they are no less essential for that. Because whenever a cabinet door opens, a drawer is pulled out or furniture elements move in other ways, Hettich is usually behind the movement. Hettich fittings provide convenient and reliable operation in millions of furniture applications. If you are, visit our customers and purchase furniture, kitchens, white goods with Hettich inside. 

To the dealer contacts

A well-organised kitchen means a lot more pleasure and a lot less stress.