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Why do megatrends affect us all?


Because megatrends will change the world for ever. They are being driven by fundamental social change that will continue for at least 25 years and influence global developments in society and business at macro level – as well as many different walks of life for each and every individual at micro level. At macro level, three megatrends are defining this transformation with exceptional intensity: globalisation, digitisation and new mobility. For Hettich, four further megatrends are of particular interest because they will do much to change the way we live and work in future: individualisation, urbanisation, silver society and work evolution.

For Hettich, five megatrends are particularly interesting

Hettich & Megatrends


The principle of sustainability is changing the rules of global society, culture and politics. It is fundamentally reframing business practice and the economic system as a whole. The catastrophic climate situation is not a future threat but a problem of the here and now. Summer heatwaves or floods have made us aware of climate change as a real life threat. In view of growing ecological crises, the global community is being forced to do some rethinking and take action. Environmental awareness has long since ceased to be an elitist lifestyle phenomenon and is becoming mainstream in worldwide society. One thing is clear: the future of humanity depends on whether we join hands and develop intelligent concepts for ecological, economic and social sustainability before it's too late, and take a resolute stance on putting them into practice.


How we live, where we live and with whom we live – today, it's all a matter of personal choice. More and more, people are thinking in terms of themselves, making lasting changes on the demands and expectations being placed on lifestyle and living at home. Society is becoming more open and creative, conventions are losing importance. "Using rather than owning" and "using sustainably rather than throwing away": these are now the new maxim. Depending on trend and whim, innovative sharing concepts are making it possible to use things on a temporary basis. Lifestyles previously considered unusual or daring are being lived out in a variety of ways and becoming a part of society people are taking for granted. A strong sense of individual identity is the driving force behind the emergence of new sociocultural structures, lifestyles and home living concepts.


For the first time in history, more people are living in towns and cities than they are in the rural environment. Megacities are continuing to grow, new ones are evolving. Everything's condensing: knowledge, culture, economics, home living styles and creativity. At the same time, conurbation centres are becoming a melting pot for new forms of community life and technological progress.

Silver society

The "new oldies" are coming. Viewed globally, the population is getting older and at the same time staying healthy for longer. Retirement is becoming a whole new phase of life that is being shaped with activity in mind. Even in old age, new lifestyles are evolving, leaving time for personal fulfilment. Age and ageing are taking on a new meaning. These are altogether interesting perspectives though.

New work

Goodbye achievement society. In future, artificial intelligence based on innovative machines will step in and do much of the work we used to, but even better. So, what will that leave us with? Good question, because we're already in the middle of fundamental change in the working world. The creative economy is advancing and, with it, the potential for each and every individual to develop.


Hettich's comprehensive product range is packed with inspiration for appealing design and convenient functions for the modern home and work environment.


Blumenwiese vor einem Hettich Gebäude

Megatrend Sustainability

Ecological responsibility

Ecological sustainability helps us to answer the question of how we can make our contribution to preserving the earth's resources in the best possible way for future generations. Then we assume responsibility for the world we live in. The efficient use of energy and resources and the reduction of climate-damaging emissions in production and infrastructure is at the focus of our endeavours to protect the environment.

Get further information on Ecological responsibility

Megatrend individualisation

Platform solutions

Individuality is the freedom to choose. Your customers are placing new demands and expectations on the design, use and function of rooms and furniture. Platform solutions from Hettich put you in the perfect stead.

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[Translate to en-xx:] Megatrend Urbanisierung

Megatrend Urbanisation

Tiny Home

Everywhere in towns and cities, living space is becoming scarcer and more expensive, floor space is getting smaller. What's the key to living comfortably even on a mini floor plan? The answer lies in well designed, carefully considered "tiny homes" with multifunctional furniture and optimum use of storage space.

Get further information on Tiny Home
Megatrend New Work

Megatrend New Work


The classic open plan office was yesterday. More and more people regularly work from home in a "home office". And they all need affordable furniture solutions for their personal home living situation. Anyone able to offer them precisely has a clear edge.

Get further information on Homeoffice