Benvenuti in Hettich, dove inizia il vostro viaggio individuale! Scegliete il gruppo target più adatto a voi e immergetevi in un mondo di soluzioni personalizzate e idee stimolanti.
Quality at Hettich starts with the purchasing process. Find out more about our purchasing policy, how you can become a supplier and which aspects external companies should consider.
Facts at a glance
Here you will find all the important information on our Terms and Conditions of Purchase, our Code of Conduct for Business Partners and our SRM User Manual
General terms and conditions of purchasing
Download general terms and conditions of purchasing, PDF, 76 KB
Please use the contact form to get in touch with us. We look forward to get to know you!
Regulations for outside companies
This is where you find the latest standard instruction on occupational health and safety, environmental protection and fire safety for outside companies for downloading.