Sliding door systems for customised applications
Sliding door system with added value from Hettich. A single movement of the hand synchronously opens and closes two doors in opposite directions. A valuable addition for furniture solutions that impress in design and handling. This reliable system can be used for inset and overlay doors that move either vertically or horizontally.
Vertically running VerticoSynchro sliding door system
With the single-track sliding door system VerticoSynchro two doors weighing up to 15 kg each are moved simultaneously. The doors run in an inset or overlay aluminium profile. The synchronising mechanism is premounted in this profile.

VerticoMono vertically running sliding door system
The single-door, vertical sliding door system VerticoMono sets design and functional accents in the kitchen and throughout the living area. The door with a maximum door weight of up to 15 kg runs in an inset aluminium profile. The working components come premounted and are concealed by an aluminium or wooden profile. Easy and convenient handling makes this fitting ideal for entertainment furniture, for practical storage space in the office ... everywhere, where effective comfort is desired.

KA 5740 retractable door fitting
The doors of the swing door fitting KA 5740 can be slid sideways into the cabinet after opening. Perfect, for example, for TV and multimedia furniture or for a cocktail cabinet that opens up in a jiffy and disappears again just as quickly. The fitting's mechanism also vanishes from view: simply by using face frame hinges. Hettich KA 5740 retractable door fitting is suitable for door widths of 300 to 700 mm. All options with roll-out prevention.

Kuhn Sliding doors
With the Kuhn System family Hettich is supplementing its sliding door programme for the first time with sliding units that are not bound to the cabinet. The KUHN construction kit: Like Tetris. But without losers! At KUHN, we are pursuing a new holistic approach and for the first time combining the application areas of "construction and furniture sliding door hardware" in terms of both design and system technology. Despite the numerous installation situations, hardware connections and profile geometries, our concept ensures that the innovative basic design is never abandoned.