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Everything in view, everything under control

The turntable for refrigerators and other furniture

ComfortSpin organises cabinet interiors with effortless ease. In cabinets too, items at the back spin round to the front in one easy turning movement that smoothly rotates through 360°. Easy to install by anyone and immediately ready for use, the clever turntable provides a full view of contents in refrigerators, bathroom cabinets, sideboards and other furniture. And to clean it, ComfortSpin removes ever so easily too.


Fit, spin, enjoy convenience Versatile aopplication Measuring 28.5 x 42.5 cm, it can used virtually anywhere.
Drehteller ComfortSpin im Möbel
Quick and easy to install Easy installation Attaches with suction cups, screws or tesa Powerstrips®.
Drehteller ComfortSpin im Möbel
Stay clean Easy to clean Simply remove turntable, clean and put back in again.
Drehteller ComfortSpin im Möbel
Optimum use of space Unique movement Rectangle goes circular! This turntable shape can simply hold more.
Drehteller ComfortSpin im Möbel
Turn once - see everything Neat and tidy organisation in cabinets 360 degree view of contents in every cabinet.
ComfortSpin Drehteller im Möbel

Assembly explained simply

ComfortSpin is ready for use in next to no time. Will you be fitting your turntable on a glass shelf in the refrigerator or on a wooden shelf in the larder unit? Choose the right solution for installing your revolving tray: you can easily fit ComfortSpin with suction cups, screws or tesa Powerstrips®. Download Assembly instructions

ComfortSpin in anthracite

ComfortSpin Drehteller im Möbel
Drehteller ComfortSpin im Möbel

ComfortSpin in transparent

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